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DAY FOURTEEN of #myruralbusinessjan21

Tell us about a place you love to visit. Now, you are going to have to bare with me on this one, but I am going to do a bit of story time. This is a bit of a different blog, as it isn’t exactly about a photo shoot, but it is about horses and a lovely lady called Tracy, who I have worked with.

On Monday, I had a virtual session with Tracy Langley (Energy Alignment Practitioner) my horses love their sessions with Tracy (especially Mr Pickles) so I had a session myself; during which, Tracy asked me to think of a time or place that I felt really relaxed. It took a moment, but while under some incredible trance, I found a place. So vivid it was like being there again! 

If you follow me on social media, you will have seen photos with my heart horse Star (the black one) and most probably think that dressage is our discipline, but that was only the case as of January last year. Prior to that, endurance was what we loved! Sometimes I would ride alone or join up with someone part way around, but I also did a lot of the rides with my mum. And that is where I found myself during my session with Tracy.

I can pinpoint the moment, the warmth, the smells, the soft breeze – it all sounds lovely doesn’t it, especially at this time of year when we are shivering under multiple layers of coats, wearing wellies with gaping holes, in the mud, telling ourselves “I love my horses”, but the ride didn’t start off in such a relaxing fashion. It was the 9th April 2017 and the hottest Day of the year, with highs of 25 Degrees Celsius, so as you can imagine, quite literally every man and his dog wanted to soak up the sun, which made the heritage site, where we commenced the ride, very busy. For this reason and the hard ground, we were struggling to get our optimum speed.

As the ride progressed, we could see the time going down on our watches, so when my mum’s horse was chased and bitten by a small but feisty dog we decided you know what, let’s just ignore the clock, let’s just enjoy the ride at a sedate pace.

about half way around the ride, we came to a field. Somehow the ground was softer there, there was a breeze, relieving us from the hot sun, it was the respite from feeling worried about being disqualified from the competition, to the acceptance that it was going to happen so why not just have fun. So that, right there, that was my where I found myself during this session with Tracy

I suppose in some ways, it isn’t so much a place I can revisit, in-fact, If I ever were to, I would probably be disappointed, as that feeling and scenario would never be the same… Instead it is a moment in time, my happy place. In the saddle, with my beautiful boy and my mum, without a care in the world.

Unfortunately I don’t have any photos from this ride, so I have chosen a couple of other images from other endurance races, firstly my favorite venue on a very rainy day at Cirencester and secondly through Star’s ears at Market Rasen Racecourse.

If you haven’t heard of Tracy’s work before, I hugely recommend you taking a look at her website. She can work with both the horse and human in the most magical way! You can visit Tracy’s Website by clicking here

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